Dao nay cu co cam giac kho chiu, buc boi trong long...
Proposal tuong dau la chuyen vui, di du lich tuong dau la chuyen vui ... ko ngo lai du thu chuyen rac roi va phien nao xay ra .... chung quy cung vi the dien va so moi nguoi noi nay no. Minh ko hieu, the dien va nhan xet cua nguoi khac quan trong den vay sao?
Chua bao gio cam thay viec duoc cau hon va di du lich la 1 ganh nang nhu bay gio....
Du da co tu an ui la thoi bo di, moi nguoi 1 quan niem song, nhung van cam thay rat am uc ...
And I promise to myself, when my kid(s) grow up and find his true love,
- As long as his partner loves him and is a good person (who shall show respect to the elders and be faithful), I won't care about that person's appearance, background, age, (and gender....)
- When my kid proposes to his partner, I won't ask him not to public after the proposal and wait for those stupid formalities. And more important, I will never tell him that I don't consider his fiancee as my future daughter-in-law.
- I will never force him to visit all the relatives, especially those not very related by bloodline... He can visit them if he's willing to. And neither will I ask him to buy gifts for them all, every single one.
- I will let him decide everything for his wedding (wedding theme, follows tradition or not, how many guests, who to invite, venue, etc.), as long as it's not offensive to any religions, ethnic groups and countries.
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