Saturday, September 28, 2013


I'm at home now... i mean, with my parents and bro, my 1st home.... Initially was to celebrate my bro's bd on 25-09, but ....turned out to be the "formal meeting" between our 2 families about our going-to-be-wedding.....

26 Sep 2013 was a special day to me .... It's supposed to be a normal day as usual, working, then hanging out with Momentumers.

At the time we reached home, I took a shower, of course, also as usual... After that, when I was drying my hair, he asked, "What gift do you want for your bd?". I was like, wth, my bd was 2 weeks ago, and we already celebrated, and he already bought me a bicycle, which I'm still lazy to wander around on it now hehe.... So I just said, wind chimes, as I always like those small and cute, with nice sound to hang at the windows.

So, he said, do you like if I give you some stuff made by me? Of course, as always...and, he gave me a notebook, which was always on the desk without me noticing =,= In the notebook, he drew the story so called "Legend of Bom Mip", which is what he calls me.... So touching, seriously touching, about how we met, how we've been together....Then, he asked me to close my eyes, and put on my hands a small box.... I missed a heartbeat... and when I saw the "Tiffany n Co." on the coral blue box, I really wanted to shout ......but couldn't say anything, just hug him....And so funny that, he said, ok now, we should follow the tradition, and that's when he kneeled down, offering the ring, and asked.....

And yes, that's how he proposed....

And, my answer was ......YES

So, if everything is going to plan, of course I DEFINITELY want it to follow what we plan, our wedding will be end of next year .... :)

Friday, September 13, 2013

Happy birthday 2013

A bit late now, cos my bd was on 11 Sep....but it's ok, since my bd date is not a happy day to many people. And I already hung out with friends on that day, and just cut the cake yesterday.

So, i want to say,


New age, new things waiting hehe

Although somehow I still have a feeling that I'm older, but it's ok. Everyone is older, not just me keke

And when my bf asked me what I want for bd gift, I kept thinking and realized, I have almost all I want: clothes, bags, cosmetics, fluffy toys, laptop, phone, jewelry, tablet .... that I couldn't think of something else that I really need. So, I realized how lucky and happy I am ^^

Keep the positive thinking......

Thursday, September 5, 2013

Something to note ... and to remember

1. Early this week my close colleague's father passed away. May him RIP....

    I visited the wake twice, the first time in a big group, and the second time with only those who are close to both of us ... Really learnt many things about S'porean's tradition, somewhat similar to Chinese....

    However, the thing I dislike here is, I can't understand why people like to ask family members "What happened?", here and even in my country. When you look at the photo, it's obvious that her father is very old, and he followed the life cycle: born, grown up, sick and passed away..... It's natural, so why do you still need to ask? She kept on repeating the same story each time a few people from our group arrived and asked the same question.... And each time she looked very sad, her voice was choked with emotion and she cried when recalling the story.... I really don't understand, losing one family member is really painful, why people need to make them feel more painful?

   So, note to myself,
   -  when my friend is sad, don't quickly ask him/ her what happened, if they want me to know, they will tell the story even before I ask
   -  when he/ she is sad, just stay by his/ her side, talk about something else, or can even just offer my shoulder, or tissue paper ... and sometimes it's more than enough

2. My two direct bosses really can't communicate well to each other.... They didn't really have argument, but they don't really talk to each other... and that's worse. Ended up I got scolded and don't know who I should follow. Anw, it's fine, since the big boss scolded the lady boss indirectly by scolding me. And it's not a mistake made by both of us, just that we sent out some assessment to project team without clearing him when they needed it urgently.

    So, I feel it weird.... He was not always there, either on leave or out for meeting. Then somehow the lady boss is more knowledgeable, more experienced, and she's also a boss. And more importantly, she understands the project more, since she has been doing it from the beginning. Why didn't he trust her for what she did and just let her handle, then can clear him later when he's back? Moreover, even if what she did was wrong, why didn't he just scolded two of us in a private email? Why did he need to cc all the not-related people from project team? To make her losing face? I don't know, and don't dare to make any deduction ....

    And so, she was hurt, and she drew a super clear cut that she won't involve in the project after award anymore. She didn't even answer my question when I asked, just told me to look for him and ask him. Okay fine.... I don't blame her, since I know how she feels. I also don't blame him, because maybe there was some problems between them that I never know made him have that kind of reaction.....

    So, I can only have a note to myself, that when I become a boss, 
    -  even if I dislike someone personally, try not to let it affect the works, as well as other staffs
    -  try to trust my team mates, as people always have intuition and rationale in doing things.
    -  if someone makes mistake, let them know in person, don't get other people involve. And try not to scold him/ her, but show him/ her the right way of doing things
    -  when something is needed urgently, try to understand that they won't have time to clear me before they take action, especially when I'm not there... so let them clear later, at least let them explain first before I make any judgement