I'm at home now... i mean, with my parents and bro, my 1st home.... Initially was to celebrate my bro's bd on 25-09, but ....turned out to be the "formal meeting" between our 2 families about our going-to-be-wedding.....
26 Sep 2013 was a special day to me .... It's supposed to be a normal day as usual, working, then hanging out with Momentumers.
At the time we reached home, I took a shower, of course, also as usual... After that, when I was drying my hair, he asked, "What gift do you want for your bd?". I was like, wth, my bd was 2 weeks ago, and we already celebrated, and he already bought me a bicycle, which I'm still lazy to wander around on it now hehe.... So I just said, wind chimes, as I always like those small and cute, with nice sound to hang at the windows.
So, he said, do you like if I give you some stuff made by me? Of course, as always...and, he gave me a notebook, which was always on the desk without me noticing =,= In the notebook, he drew the story so called "Legend of Bom Mip", which is what he calls me.... So touching, seriously touching, about how we met, how we've been together....Then, he asked me to close my eyes, and put on my hands a small box.... I missed a heartbeat... and when I saw the "Tiffany n Co." on the coral blue box, I really wanted to shout ......but couldn't say anything, just hug him....And so funny that, he said, ok now, we should follow the tradition, and that's when he kneeled down, offering the ring, and asked.....
And yes, that's how he proposed....
And, my answer was ......YES
So, if everything is going to plan, of course I DEFINITELY want it to follow what we plan, our wedding will be end of next year .... :)